Environmental Activists Who Are Caught in the ITE Law


Source: writer

The trial of the verdict on the defamation case carried out by Karimunjawa environmental activist, Daniel Frits Maurits Tangkilisan, was held at the Jepara District Court (PN), Thursday (04/04).

In this case, Daniel was charged with multiple articles, namely Article 45A paragraph (2) in conjunction with Article 28 paragraph (2) of Republic of Indonesia Law no. 19 of 2016 concerning Amendments to Law no. 11 of 2008 concerning Information and Electronic Transactions (ITE). 

This verdict hearing was marked by demonstrations by the demonstrators demanding Daniel's release. The action entitled "Jepara District Court Storming" started at 09.00 WIB and was attended by more than a hundred demonstrators.

Source: writer

Various parties such as the Commission for Missing Persons and Victims of Violence (KontraS), the Central Java Forum for the Environment (Walhi), the Legal Aid Institute (LBH) Semarang, the Indonesian Sustainable Environmental Guard Coalition (Kawali), Aksi Kamisan Semarang, and various other parties were also present to voice demands for Daniel's release in this action.

Secretary of the Regional Management Council (DPW) of the Indonesian Sustainable Environmental Guard Coalition (Kawali) for Central Java, Tri Hutomo, who was the orator at the action, explained the chronology of Daniel's reporting as a suspect in this defamation case. According to him, the party who reported Daniel in this case felt threatened by the criticism regarding shrimp farming that Daniel wrote in a comment on social media.

He explained that the commotion started on November 12 2022, when Daniel criticized the pollution condition of Cemara Beach via his Facebook account. The pollution was caused by illegal shrimp pond waste which continued after cleaning by the Environmental Service (DLH).

Source: creator

"Daniel criticized environmental damage, environmental pollution on social media which ended up commenting on each other and looking for loopholes by opposing parties, parties (or) groups who felt threatened by Daniel's criticism so this case continued," said Tri in an oration in the courtyard of the District Court Building. Jepara, Thursday (04/04).

The action, which was carried out until 14.00 WIB, began with a mass gathering at Kerang Park, Jepara. Then continued with a long march to Jepara District Court at 10.00 WIB. Before the trial began, the protesters prayed together using incense in front of the fence of the Jepara District Court building so that the action and trial would run smoothly.

Awwalia, a participant in the action from the Nahdlatul Ulama Islamic University (Unisnu) explained the conditions during the action. According to him, the action went smoothly until there was an incident of rejection by the officers on guard at the location.

He said that the protesters who wanted to enter the Jepara District Court grounds were rejected by the police who were on guard to secure the proceedings at that time.

 Negotiations were carried out between the demonstrators and the Jepara District Court, until at 10.30 WIB the demonstrators were allowed to enter the Jepara District Court field on condition that it remained peaceful.

"After negotiating with the Chairman of the PN, thank God, the community was allowed to enter, but on condition that we remain peaceful, we remain conducive," he explained in an interview via WhatsApp, Thursday (04/04).

This verdict trial ended with Daniel being declared guilty. In the Decision document Number 14/Pid. Sus/2024/PN Jpa, the Panel of Judges at the Jepara District Court sentenced Daniel to seven months in prison minus the period of detention already served and a fine of five million rupiah or a subsidiary of 1 month. 

Daniel is considered to have violated Article 45A paragraph (2) in conjunction with Article 28 paragraph (2) of Republic of Indonesia Law no. 19 of 2016 concerning Amendments to Law no. 11 of 2008 concerning Information and Electronic Transactions (ITE).

Even though it was lower than the demand submitted by the Public Prosecutor (JPU), namely ten months in prison, the crowd of Daniel's supporters who were present to witness the trial were disappointed with the verdict.

In an interview with media crew, Vebrina, who is part of KontraS, regretted the decision of the panel of judges. He then compared this decision with the decision in a similar case involving Fatia-Haris. According to him, the decision of the panel of judges in this trial was very hurtful and created a bad precedent for future law enforcement.

"Because previously we already had a good precedent, because the Fatia-Haris case was acquitted. "Considering that this is for the environment and for the benefit of the people, it is a shame that the panel of judges here did not consider the verdict in the Fatia-Haris case," he explained.

On this occasion, Vebrina also said that in the future she and her party would continue to monitor this decision.

"The hope is that it doesn't stop here, we will (supervise it), the hope is that friends in Jepara will also continue to face this together," he concluded.

After the verdict was read by the panel of judges, the protesters began to convey their aspirations through speeches, poetry, theater and singing songs in the courtyard of the Jepara District Court Building. 

The crowd at this action also unfurled various banners and posters bearing narratives of support for Daniel, such as "Free Daniel!" and the hashtag #StopCriminalization until the action is finished.***


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